During this COVID-19 pandemic, traditional Thanksgiving celebrations may not be safe. The safest way to celebrate this occasion is by staying in your house. For those planning to spend Thanksgiving...
Filing Claims for Dental Accident Injury Treatments
A direct external impact to the head such as sports injuries, falls, or other accidents can cause injuries to the mouth, including teeth, lips, gums, tongue, and jawbones. Accidental dental injuries...
CMS Expands Medicare Coverage with 11 New Telehealth Services
During the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued waivers to significantly expand the use of reimbursable telehealth services. As a...
Coding Pancytopenia – Know the ICD-10 Codes
Pancytopenia is a condition that is characterized by low blood counts. It occurs when a person’s body has low blood counts for all three types of blood cells namely red blood cells, white blood...
ICD-10 Code Changes Effective Oct 1, 2020
Our medical billing and coding company reports on the new ICD-10 codes that come into effect each year starting October 1. Proposals for the fiscal year 2021 include 490 new, 47 revised, and 58...
Coding Otosclerosis – A Hearing Loss Disorder
Regarded as one of the most common causes of progressive hearing loss, otosclerosis is a condition that occurs due to abnormal bone growth around one of the three small bones in the middle ear space...
Four New CPT Codes to Report COVID-19 Laboratory Testing
Four new codes have been introduced for coronavirus testing. This is in addition to the COVID-19 CPT code and description for testing came into effect on March 13, 2020, that our medical billing...
ICD-10 Codes for 3 Conditions that Chiropractors Treat
Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest, drug-free and non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal complaints. Day-to-day hurdles of life can put...
An Overview of Prostatitis – Symptoms and Medical Codes
A chronic and painful condition, which is common among men of all age groups, prostatitis refers to swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland situated...