This article looks at three ophthalmology medical coding myths that could be causing coding errors and affecting payments. Be Careful When You Code FBRs First Myth – All Foreign Body Removals (FBRs)...
How Appointment Scheduling and Rescheduling Help Doctors and Physicians
Streamline Your Office Activity and Maximize Productivity Accurate handling of appointment scheduling and rescheduling is a time-consuming and challenging process. If medical appointment scheduling...
Proven Strategies to Improve Radiology Medical Billing
Radiologists perform both interventional and non-interventional/non-invasive procedures. Interventional radiology procedures include diagnostic radiology imaging and ultrasound, while...
Ability to Meet Meaningful Use of EMR a Question Mark
Physicians May Not Be Willing to Go the CPOE Route The chief information officers of hospitals are not as optimistic now as they were a couple of months back about their ability to conform to...
Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010 Becomes Law
Last week, President Obama signed into law the MMEA (Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010). It looks like healthcare providers and medical billing companies could be affected by the changes...
EMR Outsourcing – Smart Decision for 2011
With the implementation of EMR being a step that the healthcare industry cannot shirk from, healthcare providers are turning to EMR outsourcing. So, with respect to medical billing and other...
Medical Outsourcing on the Rise
Medical Outsourcing on the Rise – More Time and Money Saved Medical outsourcing is on the rise. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since it helps medical establishments save time and money....