To ensure accurate medical billing in the coming year, physician practices should review the 2015 OIG Work Plan for both new and continuing topics that may involve the services they are providing....
Coding for Otitis Externa in ICD-10 – A Detailed View
The medical coding for otitis externa or "swimmer's ear" is quite different in ICD-10 compared to that in ICD-9. In the new coding system, ears get their own chapter while earlier they were included...
CPT Coding for Care Management Services in 2015
In 2014, new codes were added into the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set to report complex chronic care coordination services, known as C4 services. This code set has been revived for...
Verification Handled Efficiently for Billing Firm
Overview Outsource Strategies International (OSI) is a Managed Outsource Solutions company and a comprehensive medical services outsourcing provider enabling physician practices to perform more...
Large Volumes of DME Authorizations Handled Cost-effectively
Overview Outsource Strategies International (OSI) offers DME (Durable Medical Equipment) authorizations. Our client, Access Mediquip from Lake Mary, Florida, specializes in providing implantable and...
Coding of Musculoskeletal Disease Treatment under ICD-10
Since there are several changes and expansion introduced to the musculoskeletal code system in ICD-10, it will be a real challenge to code for musculoskeletal disease treatment under the new coding...
More Hospitals Choose Outsourcing to Improve Clinical Documentation for ICD-10
According to a survey of 650 hospital technology and physician leaders published in July 2014 by Black Book, hospitals are increasingly undertaking clinical documentation improvement initiatives in...
Telehealth gets a Boost in 2015 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has added seven new payment codes in their 2015 physician fee schedule for telehealth services. This is a big breakthrough for the telehealth service...
Chiropractic Care for Headaches – Assigning Diagnosis Codes
As the number of people seeking chiropractic care for headaches is increasing, chiropractic practices need to have a clear understanding about assigning appropriate diagnosis codes for various types...