When I met James, a very close friend of mine a couple of years back, he was considerably worried and seemed to be at a loss. I soon discovered that the issue was his difficulty to balance his...
Five Effective Methods for Companies to Reduce Healthcare Costs
Most of the companies in the U.S have been implementing several initiatives to develop an efficient health care plan for their full-time employees so that they can receive affordable coverage (with...
Google vs. Microsoft – Who Is HIPAA Compliant?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has introduced certain rules to ensure the security of medical documents. The email provider that meets the regulations specified in this...
Medical Credentialing – Is It Essential in the Medical Field?
Are you a medical practitioner desiring to run a smooth practice with minimal risks? Then, medical credentialing is essential. You need to be credentialed and be in par with major government and...
Finding Good Medical Billing Companies in the US
Medical billing firms can help speed up your claim processing tasks and ensure that you get paid for services provided to your patients. Professional medical billing companies provide excellent...
Relevance of Social Media Presence for Doctors
Premium Rates are Out: How Affordable is Obamacare?
It is expected that millions of uninsured Americans will enroll into Obamacare when the insurance exchanges opens on October 1, 2013. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has...
Increased Patient Cost Responsibility Leading to Collection Problems for Physicians, Says AMA
The annual National Insurer Report Card published by the American Medical Association (AMA) provides information on the claims revenue cycle activities of the major commercial health insurers and...
Correct Use of Modifiers 58, 78 and 79 to Report Post-operative Procedures
Patient visit documentation covering the procedures/services provided must be done accurately taking into account the many variables that may have an impact on reimbursement. One of these...