An experienced medical billing and coding company in U.S., Outsource Strategies International (OSI) has been providing reliable medical billing services for diverse healthcare specialties. Our team...
ICD-10 Codes for Reporting Five Common Chiropractic Conditions [Infographic]
Chiropractors are specialists who diagnose and treat different types of disorders that cause musculoskeletal or nerve pain. Billing and coding for different musculoskeletal and nervous disorders can...
Our Top 10 Most Popular and Insightful Blog Posts of 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered people’s lives in many ways. This year, we covered almost all COVID-19 related medical billing and coding topics and have seen huge page views for related blogs. As...
Top Four Inherited Liver Disorders and Their ICD-10 Codes
Liver diseases or conditions can occur due to a variety of factors like infections, immune system disorders, cancers and tumors, inherited conditions, alcohol abuse, drug overdoses, obesity and...
2020 Holiday Injuries and Related ICD-10 Codes
Holidays are an occasion to reconnect with family and friends. However, this holiday season may not be the same as others. Most people consider modifying their holiday plans to reduce the spread of...
ICD-10 Codes for Congenital Anomalies or Birth Defects [Infographic]
Congenital anomalies or birth defects result from pregnancy or birth complications or genetic malformation. Common birth defects include heart defects, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, Down’s...
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Modifiers 51 and 59
Modifiers provide additional details about CPT codes submitted and the services rendered, without altering the procedure code's definition. Modifiers 51 and 59 are used when multiple services are...
Why is Insurance Preauthorizations a Major Challenge for Gastroenterology Practices
Getting prior authorizations is a complex, time consuming, and frustrating task for physicians and their staff. Insurance verification and insurance authorization have a key role in revenue cycle...
Obesity and BMI – Assessment and Reporting Guidelines
Obesity is associated with a higher incidence of several diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, and has been identified as a major risk factor in COVID-19. With obesity...