Vaginal prolapse is a condition which occurs when the network of muscles that support the organs in a woman’s pelvis gets weakened or fall out of their normal positions. This weakening allows the...
New ICD-10 Codes for Atrial Fibrillation in 2020
Atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib) is the most common arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) encountered in the critical care environment. It is caused by problems with the heart’s electrical system. AF can...
Documenting and Coding Chondromalacia Patellae – A Common Knee Pain Condition
Chondromalacia patellae (CMP), refers to the progressive erosion of the articular cartilage of the knee joint. The condition occurs when the cartilage on the under surface of the patella (kneecap)...
Documenting and Coding for Allergic Rhinitis – A Common Allergy Condition
Allergic rhinitis, often called “hay fever”, is one of the most prevalent allergy conditions, affecting about 8% of the U.S population and an estimated 10-30% of people worldwide. The most common...
Pharmacy Prior Authorization – Important Points to Note
An established medical billing and coding company based in the United States, Outsource Strategies International (OSI) serves diverse medical specialties. In today’s podcast, Natalie Tornese, one of...
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
A US based medical billing and coding company with extensive experience in the field, Outsource Strategies International (OSI) provides revenue cycle management solutions for all medical...
Document Subdural Hematoma with ICD-10 Codes [Infographic]
Caused by minor accidents to the head or the spontaneous bursting of a blood vessel in the brain, subdural hematoma is a type of internal bleeding in the skull. While the treatment for this head...
ICD-10 Codes that can Apply to Excessive New Year Celebration 2020
New Year’s celebrations are among the most fun parties of the year and include noisy parties, parades, fire crackers, family meals, shopping, dancing, and much more. The holidays also often are...
Diabetic Ketoacidosis – Symptoms, Diagnosis and ICD-10 Codes
A medical billing and coding company based in the United States, Outsource Strategies International (OSI) has extensive experience in providing medical billing and coding services for all medical...