Medical coding, a key factor of revenue cycle management needs to be accurate enough to ensure smooth reimbursement for healthcare providers. Medical coders take information from the medical record...
Documentation and Coding of Bariatric Surgery Procedures
Bariatric surgery is one of those proven weight loss options that can be used to address morbid obesity as well. Proper reimbursement for these surgery procedures rely on accurate submission of...
Understanding Unbundling in Medical Billing
In 2018, the American Medical Association (AMA) identified unbundling codes or using multiple CPT codes for parts of a procedure, as one of the most common medical coding errors. As every medical...
Coding Aortic Valve Stenosis– Be Familiar with the Related Medical Codes
Regarded as one of the most common and serious valve disorders, Aortic valve stenosis (also called aortic stenosis) occurs when the heart's aortic valve narrows. The aortic valve - a key valve in...
Use the Correct Medical Codes to Report Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are the calcifications (body's excess minerals and salts) that can form inside your kidneys. These deposits usually consist of calcium oxalate but may be composed of several other...
ICD-10 Documentation for Mental and Behavioral Health Disorders [Infographic]
Both behavioral health and mental health disorders can cause serious issues in your daily life. While some mental health issues may be impacted by behavior, many health disorders have neurological...
Get Familiar with ICD-10 Coding and Documentation for Ovarian Cysts [Infographic]
Relatively common in women during their reproductive years, most ovarian cysts are small, harmless, non-cancerous masses on the ovaries that don't cause any specific symptoms. Obstetricians,...
How to Use Modifier 62 in Co-surgeon Claim Documentation
Often a surgery will be conducted by a primary surgeon, along with an assistant surgeon or other team of surgeons. But co-surgery refers to a single surgical procedure, which requires the skill of...
Learn the ICD-10 Codes to Document Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a condition wherein the arteries become clogged with fatty substances called plaque, or atheroma. The condition occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and essential...