The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. Goiter is irregular growth or overall enlargement of the thyroid gland. The condition may be associated with no change...
What are the CPT Coding Changes impacting General Surgery in 2023?
General surgery comprises a wide range of surgical procedures involving the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, breast, skin, soft tissue, and endocrine system. This medical...
How Does Medical Coding Work?
Medical coding is a crucial step in any medical practice's insurance billing process. Medical codes help the insurance companies identify what kinds of services or treatments were given during any...
How to Bill and Code for Liver Cirrhosis
A progressive condition that develops over many years, liver cirrhosis results in scarring (fibrosis) of the liver that is caused by long-term liver damage. The scarring of the liver tissues can...
How to Report and Code for Diabetes Insipidus
An uncommon disorder, diabetes insipidus causes an imbalance of fluids in the body that leads to the production of large amounts of urine. A normal person makes 1 to 3 quarts of urine a day....
What Chiropractors Should Know about Billing CPT Code 97140
Chiropractors use different types of joint and spine manipulations to help ease body pain. They provide manual therapy to manipulate and massage the spine, correct structural misalignments, and...
Coding Kidney-related Illnesses
Kidney-related illnesses can interfere with the body's capacity to clean the blood, filter extra water out of blood, and regulate blood pressure. Any injury to your kidneys can lead to a build-up of...
What is ERA in Medical Billing?
Medical billing is a complex process that involves many phases and managing it efficiently for proper claim submission and appropriate reimbursement from insurance companies. That's why most...
What is an EOB in Medical Billing?
Medical billing involves several steps and completing them correctly and in a timely manner is the key to successful claim submission. Today, most healthcare providers rely on medical billing...