Appointment cancellations and no-shows are distressing for physicians’ practices. Patients who fail to show up for an appointment or cancel it reduce your revenues and cause waste of valuable staff...
New Medicaid Report Reveals That Physicians Will Be Paid More in the Year 2013
With the effects of the economic recession wearing off and US states slowly picking up the reins of progress once again, a welcome Medicaid trend has been reported. Many states are boosting payment...
Cloning Feature in EHRs May Lead to Higher Billing
The federal government has a new concern to deal with – a cloning feature in electronic health records which enable physicians to cut and paste from the previous visits of patients. The cut and...
Obamacare – Considerations for Physician Practices
The patient protection and affordable care act (PPACA) or Obamacare as it is more popularly known, was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. After Medicare and Medicaid, this...
Improve Practice Performance with Medical Record Audit
Healthcare providers have the responsibility to comply with all current regulations and reforms in the healthcare field. This is a field that experiences constant flux and therefore the challenges...
Inaccurate Billing Data Beats Medicare’s Cost Savings Strategy
Among the measures taken by Medicare to save money spent unnecessarily was its 2008 policy to stop paying hospitals extra to treat certain hospital acquired preventable conditions including UTIs or...
30 Cents of Every Healthcare Dollar Wasted Annually in the US Health Care System
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has published a detailed report regarding waste of money in the U.S. healthcare, which reaches up to $750 annually. The political parties are trying to reduce...
Ensuring Efficiency in the Insurance Authorization Process
Getting insurance authorization is crucial to the success of any practice. Health insurance companies have stringent rules when it comes to making payment. While they pay for medically necessary...
If Used Correctly, Modifier 59 Can Boost your Healthcare Practice’s Revenue
Modifier 59 is a Level I CPT code used to report that a particular procedural service was carried out. It should typically be applied to the secondary code in a pair of codes and not added to...