A coronary angiogram or angiography is a common procedure that uses X-ray imaging to see your heart's blood vessels such as an artery or vein. This test is performed to see if there is any...
How to Identify and Apply ICD-10 Combination Codes
With 363 new codes, 142 deletions, and 226 code revisions made to the ICD-10 code set this FY, diagnostic coding has become even more challenging. As medical coding service providers know, knowing...
What are the New Diagnostic Codes for Substance Use Disorders and ARFID in 2018?
The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the federal agency responsible for the use of the ICD-10 in the United States, recently released an updated version of the ICD-10-CM, the...
Emergency Department Coding and Documentation – Existing Guidelines and Changes in 2018
Emergency medicine has changed rapidly and significantly over the years. Today, the emergency departments (EDs) are diagnosis and treatment hubs for emergency as well as non-critical patients. As...
Get Familiar with ICD-10 Codes for Encephalopathy
The term encephalopathy broadly refers to brain disease, damage, or malfunction. The primary symptom that is recorded in the medical record is altered mental status. Medical coding companies may...
What are the Guidelines for Medical Billing and Procedure Codes for Urinanalysis?
Urinalysis is the analysis of urine for the diagnosis and monitoring of several medical conditions such as urinary tract infections, bleeding in the urinary system, or kidney or liver disease as...
New CPT Codes for Psychiatric Collaborative Care Management Services (PCCM) in 2018
Starting January 2017, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved payment for services provided to patients with behavioral health disorders who are participating in psychiatric...
Most Frequently Used CPT Codes in Psychiatry and Upcoming Changes
Mental health and/or substance use disorders (SUD) affect millions of Americans. According to a 2016 U-M Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center report, nearly 1 in 5 Americans live with a...
Code Correctly for Influenza Vaccine in the 2017-18 Season
Vaccinations are one of the important universally recommended preventive measures against a number of serious diseases and infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends...