BC Advantage Magazine Publishes OSI’s Article on Tick and Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

by | Posted: Sep 4, 2019 | Medical Coding

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Outsource Strategies International is honored to have yet another of its articles published in BC Advantage Magazine.

Titled “Tick and Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment”, this article provides comprehensive information on this pervasive tick-borne disease, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention measures. Written by Natalie Tornese, CPC, OSI’s Senior Solutions Manager, Practice and Revenue Cycle Management, Healthcare Division, this article is especially relevant in that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers Lyme disease as one six key tick-borne diseases that pose public health threats.

Lyme disease is caused by BorreliaBurgdorferi, the bacterium which is spread by the bite of a black-legged tick carried by white-tailed deer. Studies suggest that the threat of Lyme disease in U.S. cities has increased with the spread of deer populations from forests to suburbs to urban parks.

OSI’s article lists the ICD-10 and CPT codes to report this common tick-borne infection. Choosing and reporting the correct codes is necessary for accurate processing of medical claims.ICD-10 codes for Lyme disease recognize complications such as rash, meningitis, polyneuropathy and arthritis, but not the infection’s life-threatening complications. The Ad Hoc Committee for Health Equity in ICD-11 Borreliosis Codes has addressed this problem by establishing new codes for life-threatening complications from Lyme disease.

Established in 2002, OSI is an experienced healthcare business process outsourcing company based in the U.S. The company provides accurate and timely coding and medical billing services for all specialties, ranging from Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, General and specialized surgery, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Pain management and many more. The company’s team of skilled AAPC-certified coders stays up-to-date with the current coding changes and updates, payer-specific documentation guidelines, and state and federal regulations.

OSI’s comprehensive insurance verification and authorization services ensure that coverage is checked prior to the office visit, preventing denials and avoiding delays in payment. The company’s expert team has extensive experience in working with all government and private insurances.

BC Advantage Magazine is the largest independent resource provider in the industry for medical coders and billers, healthcare auditors, practice managers, compliance officers, and clinical documentation experts.

“Tick and Lyme Disease Diagnosis and Treatment” is the third OSI article published by BC Advantage Magazine. Viral Hepatitis – Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis Codes” and “How to Code Screening and Diagnostic Colonoscopy” are the other OSI articles that appeared in this prestigious publication.

Natalie Tornese

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