The “language of medicine,” as the CPT code set is often referred to, is set to see several updates in 2025. As a provider of medical billing and coding services, we keep pace with these changes to ensure accuracy and compliance. The AMA’s new edition which contains...
Medical Billing
What Are CPT Code Modifiers? How Are They Used?
Utilizing the right medical modifiers are a crucial part of the medical billing process. Knowing how to use CPT code modifiers correctly helps drive proper reimbursement. These two-character...
What are the New ICD-10 Codes for Wound Care in 2022?
ICD-10 2022 has a total of 72,748 codes, including 159 additions, 32 deletions, and 20 revisions. The new 2022 ICD-10 wound care codes that became effective on October 1, 2021 include codes for...
How to Use CPT Code 99211 for an Office Visit
With the ever-changing complexities around claims management and processing, most practices and physicians rely on medical coding and billing service providers to report services correctly and...
2021 E/M Guidelines: Focus on Medical Decision-making for Code Selection
In January 2021, physicians and providers of medical billing and coding services began using a new evaluation and management (E/M) coding system implemented by the Centers for Medicare &...
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Modifiers 51 and 59
Modifiers provide additional details about CPT codes submitted and the services rendered, without altering the procedure code's definition. Modifiers 51 and 59 are used when multiple services are...
What is a Non-Covered Service in Medical Billing?
Health insurance providers generally include coverage for a wide range of medical services offered by healthcare professionals and hospitals, prescription medications, wellness services, and medical...
Top Three Neurology Disorders and Their ICD-10 Codes
Neurological disorders or diseases of the brain, spine, and the nerves that connect them affect millions of people each year. Neurological disorders are diseases of the central and peripheral...
Coding Hypersomnia – An Excessive Daytime Sleep Disorder
Health consequences resulting from sleep disorders and excessive tiredness is common among many people. In fact, most people do not realize the importance of sleep. Adequate amount of sleep is vital...
Coding Hematuria – A Common Urinary Disorder
Seeing blood in the urine can be quite alarming. Even though in many cases the exact causes are harmless, blood in the urine can indicate a serious disorder. The blood may be visible in such small...
Documenting and Coding Bipolar Disorder
Regarded as a serious mental health condition, bipolar disorder causes severe changes in a person’s mood, energy and activity levels that can make day-to-day functioning difficult. Formerly known as...