Running a successful medical practice involves not only providing quality patient care but also managing the financial aspects that keep your practice thriving. One crucial element of financial management is maintaining a healthy cash flow – the lifeblood of any...
Regarded as a leading cause of tooth loss among children and older people, a fractured tooth is a break or crack in the hard shell of the tooth. Also called cracked tooth syndrome, (CTS), the crack...
Medicaid programs are predominantly aimed at covering dental services for children and youth under the age of 21. There are certain states that give adult dental benefits. However, there is no...
Pain is a common complaint that physicians of all specialties treat. However, assessment of patients is a challenge as it depends upon self-report measures that, though valid, cannot convey the...
Augmentation of bony defects due to loss of teeth using bone-grafting materials is a common procedure performed by general dentists, periodontists and oral surgeons. When billing bone grafts, it is...
Frenectomy procedures are performed primarily on infants, and it involves the removal of one or both frena from the mouth. As per the statistics given by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry,...
Chiropractors treat a wide variety of conditions such as back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, sciatica, pinched nerves, and migraine as well as complex conditions. Many practices rely on...
Commonly referred to as an occlusal splint, bite guard, night guard, or interocclusal appliance, an occlusal appliance is a removable device, usually made of hard acrylic. Occlusal guards can...
Chronic pain management is as much a challenge for physicians as it is for patients. Physicians utilize multiple modalities such as interventional procedures and noninvasive techniques to treat pain...
Medicaid — the taxpayer-subsidized public health program which aims to help low-income individuals afford health care — provides dental benefits for eligible adults. Dental services are also a...
It is necessary to document each component of dental implant services to ensure the highest possible reimbursement. In addition, accurate documentation is also vital from the point of view of...